Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Contents Page, Conventions.

Contents page;

In each of these magazines hold images on the contents page. this is because it shows the buyer the kind of genre and artists that are in this magazine. Usually on a music magazine contents zine.page is numbers and pictures that tells the buyer what will be on that page and what its about. Although some magazines that have lots of issues usually gives a review on the last magazine that was issued, in case the buyer did'nt have chance to read the last issue. On the contents page of a music magazine will have the masthead of the magazine, e.g. 'Top of the Pops' at the top of the page so its clear to the buyer that the genre has'nt changed and its still the same genre. Although on the front cover of the magazine has that one main colour scheme it usually carries on to the contents page and sometimes throughout the magazine. This is to show the same type of magazine to the buyer next time they come to buy the next issue.

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