Tuesday, 25 November 2014



This is the magazine i have put together to show what my own potential magazine will look like.  I have used these bright colours because this is what defines the pop genre. I have placed Ariana Grande on the front cover, as because she is a popular artist in the music industry at this moment of the time. The centre of the page is the artist, as because it shows that this magazine focuses on this artist the most. However the font style i have used is too formal which is not what pop genre is all about. 'POP' is about crazy, fun and a laugh. Making this better would be to change the font style.

On this magazine that have constructed, is colours that clash together, this would not attract as many people, as if to colours that don't clash and clear to see in the distance would be more eye catchy. This does have some good features, like the Master head is funky, crazy just like a 'POP' magazine should be. I have chosen a Christmas theme as its the time of year for joy and happiness. Although in the bottom left hand corner is fashion and clothing this makes the magazine messy and no organization, i have decided if i was to include this feature i would place on the front cover  'latest fashion inside' instead of what ive done on this Google mock up. I prefer on this Google mock up how i have designed to feature other story's, although i would only change the position of the image and the writing as the secondary image clashes with the main image. i would put the secondary image before the feature story.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Digital mock ups.

These digital mock ups are potential ideas for my magazine, however now i look at them form this prospective it looks like there is too much stuff on them to connect with my kind of genre. It looks wacky and crazy as things go from wavy to straight edges; however in my target research audience they said that they prefer to be more images  to writing. If i was to include long stories then i would make the colours as bright as possible as long as they are readable, however i would try to spread the writing out across the page so it doesn't seem that there is much to read its just miniature paragraphs that contain information about the star that is featuring in this weeks issue.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Behind The Scene Photo Shoots!

What I have analysised in this mood board is that creating pop genre magazine includes a lot of fun! Also when taking my shoot for my magazine , I have learnt through this mood board is to be creative and funky in my shoot , as well as, getting the subject to move well having the photos taken to show natural movements within a persons reaction to things. This can add some realisim to my front cover and make it look !ore proffesional.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

My Reader Profile.

I have included quotations for my magazine to give my audience and myself a clear idea what target audience i am, making my magazine for. Technology is part of teenagers life's in the 21st century, so i have decided to add this to my magazine because this will be my purpose to gain the target audience interest. Also from the research i have collected and my focus group video that if  was to sell my magazine every week it would have to be reasonable because it wont be bought every week if the price of the magazine was too high. on the other hand if i was issue my magazine monthly i would be able to bump the price up as you cant get the issue regularly. I have decided to publish my magazine every week at £2.99 because that is enough for a teenager to afford, i looked at the national minimum wage at this is in price range for teens. Also from my video, i interviewed 5 teens that know what they want from my magazine and how much they would pay for it so i believe the price i am selling for will make a profit. However there is another reason i am selling my magazine weekly because every week people vote for there favourite artist and every week the votes are counted up, the most popular artist is placed at the top of the top 40 charts. this happens weekly therefore i will sell my magazine weekly. If my magazine is successful for the first year, i possible might take the price down so more wide range of ages can access my magazine.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Focus Group Video.

What I have got from this video, is that if I am aiming for a younger generation that they would prefer the magazine to come out weekly or fortnightly. Although they would like the magazine to be cheap but not too cheap as they may just think its rubbish and cheap and it will have nothing good in it! So to make my magazine look more like a pop genre, I will ensure the price is cheap its attracts the younger generation and to make sure they don't get bored because of too much context within it. I will include more photos and activities to ensure the magazine is fun and exciting!! With bright colours!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Demographics and Gratifications.

Definition; statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.

Demographics;The human population is broken down by age, gender, family size,occupation, education, religion, race, nationality or income etc. These are the demographics which are concerned with the collection of and interpretation of quantitative data. We can use demographics to work out by population, the number of people in our society  for example read a magazine from group A (Higher management) which would suggest that this group are at the top end of their profession. E.g. Doctors and Bankers, Politician (Graham Stuart) or group E. For example a student (Bethany Clegg). National readership survey (NRS) was introduced in September 2012, to provide a measurement of magazines and online audiences. (www.nrs.co.uk) This website reports estimates of average issues readership for general magazine; women, men. It identifies what group/social grade (for example A,B,C) the reader falls into. My music falls into group E, because it is aiming at students and teens, my magazine is about the top charts and who is popular at te time (artist/singer).

Gratifications; Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) is how people look for specific media to suit them best. UGT is an understanding of communication between the people and the media. The UGT focuses on what the people do with the media and what it does to the people? UGT questions why people need the media and what do they use it for? UGT question and chooses media deliberately to meet the peoples desire's and needs to get gratification. Also  to enhance knowledge, relaxation, social interaction, diversion and escape. The people has power over the media because the media has to meet their desires for them to interact with the media.This suggest that different media competes against each other for information sources for there viewers gratification. UGT originated in the 1940s when researchers started to realise and saw the pattern of the number of people listening to the radio which were meeting their gratification. Early researchers was concerned with the children and comics and no newspapers in the news paper strike. In 1948 Lasswell revealed a four functional interpretation of the media on a macro-sociological level. New technology of mobile phones that include gratifications. Mobile phones are easy to access at any time for the people that have them and to access content. Mobile phones, you can use them for entertainment, social media, fashion/status, reassurance and immediate access. Mobile messaging has been studied for potential gender differences. The uses and gratifications are; relaxation, escape , information seeking, socializing and status seeking. he difference between a male and female is that UG have discovered that female depend on mobile messaging than male do. The internet gives a new deep feild for exploring UGT. UGT have found out that the internet is divided into three categories of gratifications for the people's, content, process and social gratification. Content gratification is finding certain information  or material. Process gratifications is where browsing the internet and its functional process. Social gratification is social media like facebook, twitter and snapchat.